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Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series) Page 10
Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series) Read online
Page 10
Gage hooked her up and Susan gave us all a big smile as she leaned back over the edge and then gracefully hopped down the flat rock face. “See? Nothing to it,” she yelled up from the bottom.
Kat went next. I tried to help ease her over the ledge gently, but in typical Kat form, she lost her balance as soon as I let her go, and she more toppled over the edge than anything. She let out a terrified shriek, but then seemed to realize that the ropes were secure.
Susan had her on belay from the bottom. “I’ve got you,” Susan reassured her. “You okay?”
“No,” Kat called back, but she was fine.
“Look at me, Katlyn,” I commanded. I laid down on my stomach so that I could hang out over the edge and see her.
Her wide brown eyes were slightly terrified, but she met my gaze.
“Keep your eyes on me. Susan has you. You can’t fall. I want you to turn your body and put your feet on the wall.”
Her feet swung uselessly for a moment but then she shifted her hips and her left foot met the rock face. When she’d gotten into a comfortable position, she slowly started her walk down. She was looking at me as instructed, so she didn’t even realize when she had reached the bottom. A huge expression of relief crossed her face when her feet were back on solid ground.
Forget blowjobs in front of a crowd. Rock climbing was definitely the bravest thing I’d ever done, and I was never doing it again. Luckily, Cody didn’t make me.
We had lunch at a mom-and-pop restaurant that was along the road between climb sites, and then Susan and I sat in the shade and watched as the guys climbed a big rock. By big rock, of course, I mean impossibly scary, jagged looking thing. Half of it was sloped the wrong direction, so they were climbing with just their arms when their feet couldn’t touch. I had to admit: it was a beautiful display of pure male strength. It made my whole body ache just to watch them.
“Really fucking hot isn’t it?” Susan asked, as if reading my mind.
“Uh huh.”
“There’s just something about a shirtless, sweaty, Dominant male.”
“Yeah. We should videotape it. We’d make millions on the Internet.”
Susan laughed. “No way. No one gets to look at my man like that, except me. Well… I’m willing to share the view with you for a limited time.”
“Cody said you’re engaged.”
“Yeah. We’re getting married in June, so I still have a while to wait.”
“How’s that work exactly?” I asked.
“What do you mean?”
“I mean you’re his submissive. Right? So is it like that all the time?”
“Well, every couple is different, but Gage and I have our own way of making it work. We’re not real extreme as couples go, so we maintain it all the time. We only use formal language in the bedroom, and I trust him not to put me in a compromising position outside of the house. It’s just the way we work. After a while, it sort of becomes normal.”
“So you just let him tell you what to do all the time?”
She laughed. “Not exactly. I always have a say, but I usually choose to defer to his preferences. I have a job, and I make plenty of decisions there. I don’t really need or want to be in charge at home. Gage knows me well enough that he doesn’t really have to ask for my opinion. If he orders for me in a restaurant, for example, he almost always picks what I would have chosen for myself anyway. And if he doesn’t, it’s because he knows that I haven’t been eating what I should, so he gets me something healthier. He takes care of me.”
I nodded. That sounded pretty great. It was hard to imagine a completely full-time Dominant/submissive relationship, but she made it sound comfortable.
“And you love him?” I asked, even though the answer was quite obvious.
“With all my heart.”
“Yeah,” I sighed, looking up at Cody. He swung his foot around a bump in the rock and twisted into what looked like an impossible position. “Someday I’d like to have that too.”
As I sat in the shade with a sister submissive at my side, watching the man that I’d come to trust with my life climb a mountain, I began to wonder about my future. I’d grown more dependent on Cody than I wanted to admit. He’d told me right from the beginning that I shouldn’t get attached—that this was just training—but that was easier said than done in some ways. What would happen when I left him to go to school? Would we still talk? I promised myself that I would try to stay in touch, no matter what happened. But Cody was not the only Dominant in the world.
Gage was obviously the perfect fit for Susan. Who was the perfect fit for me? What would happen to me without Cody to guide me through the lifestyle? I tried to picture my ideal Dominant in my head. I wanted someone like Cody, I decided, someone who could teach me and push me but someone who could love me too. I wished that for Cody as well. Maybe I wasn’t the submissive for him, maybe he wasn’t ready to settle down yet, but maybe someday he would be. I’d love to meet the woman that finally tames him.
It had been almost a week since our camping trip, and I hadn’t seen much of Kat. She was busy preparing to leave for school in a couple of weeks. I was sorry that our time together was going to have to end, but I thought it was likely that I would see her again. Most women that I took as subs made an effort to keep in touch. Unless she found a steady boyfriend right away at school, we might even play again next summer. Time would tell.
She pulled into the driveway at 5:58. Right on time as usual.
I came out the front door, pulling it closed behind me as she reached the porch.
“Is something wrong?” she asked.
“Not except for your lack of proper address.” I had to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. Even after weeks of reminders she still screwed that up regularly. She just wasn’t good at the whole “Sir” thing unless she was in trouble.
“Sorry, Sir,” she mumbled.
“Lucky for you, I’m in a good mood. I’ll let that one slide.”
“Forgive me, Sir, but if nothing is wrong then why did you come outside?”
“We’re going out. I am going to take you to dinner, and then we are going to go to a play party.”
“A play party?” She paused. “Sir?”
“Gage and Susan are hosting. They asked if I would come, and I said yes for both of us.”
She bit her bottom lip nervously. It was clear that she was intimidated by whatever I might have in store for her. I didn’t want to tell her too much because that would ruin half the fun, but I didn’t really want to scare her out of her wits either. After that stunt in front of the bonfire last weekend I knew she was already on a little thin ice.
“I’m not going to ask you to do anything you don’t want to do. Okay? I am asking you to trust me. I won’t put you in an uncomfortable situation, but I think that this is something you should experience. You’re going away to school very soon and you’re going to have to make decisions about what you might want in a relationship. I think it will be good for you to see a range of how people choose to live this lifestyle.”
A range of emotions crossed her face, but eventually she nodded her head. “Am I dressed okay?” she asked, indicating her tank top and jeans.
I looped my arm around her waist and then helped her up into the cab of my truck.
I didn’t want to eat too close to town, on the off chance that we might run into someone we knew, so we found a little Italian place near Gage’s. I considered a beer, but Kat wasn’t old enough to drink, and I didn’t want to make her uncomfortable, so I settled for a Coke.
“Kat, I wanted to talk to you about some things before you leave. Part of the reason why I invited you along tonight is that I want you to start thinking about your future. I know that you talked with Susan for a while last weekend, and you’ll get to see more of their relationship tonight, but you need to realize that I’m not the only Dom out there, and my way isn’t the only
“I do realize that,” she said before taking a sip of her drink. “But I like your way.”
I laughed. “I’m glad. I hope this has been a positive experience for you, and I’m not saying goodbye or anything, but I want you to watch closely tonight because it’s hard to say what will happen after you leave for school. I want you to have the opportunity to experience everything that you are curious about. So if you see something that you want to try, I want you to either speak up or make a mental note so that we can talk about it on the way home. Understand?”
“Yes, Sir. I do appreciate it. You know? You’re um… taking the time with me.”
“The pleasure is all mine, sweetheart. You are a joy.”
The waitress interrupted our conversation, setting down two very hot plates. We ate in silence for a while before Kat spoke up.
“Do you think you’ll ever have a relationship like Susan and Gage’s?” she asked.
“You mean do I think I’ll ever get married?”
“Well, married, or semi-permanent? Lots of people live together now without being married.”
“I don’t know,” I answered honestly. “I’m not ready now; I know that much. My favorite part of a relationship is when it’s new and exciting. I like the teaching and the anticipation. I have a hard time imagining myself with the same woman for twenty years, but I’m also not going to say never. Maybe someday I’ll want something different.”
“I hope you find her,” Kat said. “The girl that finally tames you.”
I laughed. “I’m the only one that is going to be doing any taming around here.”
We finished our dinners and headed off to the party. Kat bounced nervously on the seat beside me until I reached out and put a hand on her knee.
“I mean it, Kat. No pressure. Last weekend was different, I know those guys really well, and I had my reasons for pushing you, but tonight you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do. You don’t even need a safeword okay? Just say you want to leave, and we’ll go.”
Gage greeted us at the door and we stepped in to the party. The house was fairly secluded back in the woods so they weren’t concerned about privacy. The curtains had been drawn on most of the windows, but the play was not limited to any specific part of the house. As a result, the living room had turned into the area of largest activity.
There were eight others there already, Kat and I making nine and ten. Gage said they were expecting fourteen total. There wasn’t a whole lot of activity yet, but most couples had proceeded to make themselves at home, which meant that at least one of each pair (or trio, in two cases) was mostly naked.
I gave Kat plenty of time to survey her surroundings and get a feel for everything. I was quite sure that she’d never seen a male sub before, and the man lying on the floor under his mistress’s high heels continued to draw her attention.
“Questions?” I asked.
“No, Sir. Not right now.”
“Why don’t we sit down?”
Kat nodded her agreement. I took a seat in a chair to the side of the room. We would be able to see everything in the room from here, but we were still fairly close to the door. I thought that might be comforting to Kat. She curled up at my feet, sitting on the floor between my legs with her cheek on my thigh and her arms around my calf. I stroked her hair gently.
The rest of the couples arrived shortly after we did and Kat seemed to settle down. Gage spoke for a couple of minutes just welcoming everyone and pointing out the bathrooms. Most of us had been here before, but these kinds of things were common. He also went over the house rules, which again, were pretty typical, but it never hurt to be overly cautious. I was half wondering if he was taking the long route for Kat’s benefit. I would explain everything that she needed to know, but it didn’t hurt for her to hear it twice.
When he was done he introduced two of the couples who would be giving demonstrations. One was an ordinary couple, a male Dom and a female sub who happened to be exhibitionists. They had simply volunteered to be watched. The other couple was a female/female D/s pair but they were also professional representatives for a sex toy company, so their demonstrations came with the ability to purchase toys. They were both attractive women, and I was willing to bet that they were pretty successful with their business.
Kat tilted her face up to me when Gage was done speaking, and I leaned down to hear her. “It’s like a Tupperware party for kinky sex,” she whispered.
I laughed out loud. “Yeah, something like that,” I agreed. Wanna go see?”
Kat nodded yes, so I lifted her from the floor and we went through the kitchen into the dining room where the salesgirls had disappeared. The dining room had been rearranged so that the table was pushed into a corner. There were big bins of merchandise on and below the table. In the center of the room was a padded whipping bench. Chairs had been placed around the outside of the room for spectators.
I pulled Kat down onto my lap as the girls began. They introduced themselves again, gave a brief overview of who they were, and stated the standard legal disclaimers about how they were selling toys, not sex. The sex was free–at least for each other. They also handed out catalogs so that we could check off anything we were interested in and see the pricing.
While one talked, the other stripped out of the short dress she had been wearing. Underneath she wore a corset, garters, and thigh highs. She laid herself over the bench with her ass in the air.
Kat’s breathing was nice and steady as she rested in my arms. So far so good.
They started with a variety of dildos and vibrators. She didn’t give full descriptions of most of them, but she did take the time to use two of them on her lover. She pressed a fairly large cock-shaped dildo into the other woman and strapped it around her legs to hold it in place. Kat squirmed slightly in my lap as she watched.
When the woman was done with that, she selected a small anal vibrator, allowing the girl on the bench to explain why it was her favorite before pushing it slowly into the tight ring of muscle at her backside.
Kat cringed a little at this and I chuckled. Yeah, it always did look intimidating. “You okay?” I asked. Kat nodded, and we returned our attention to the entertainment.
When the submissive salesgirl was stuffed full, they began a spanking demonstration. Kat slid from my lap and curled herself around my feet again. We sat that way in my house a lot, when we would talk, and it was obvious that she felt secure that way. I let her do it, closing my legs around her to give her as much of a sense of security as I could.
A few other spectators had entered the room as the girls worked their way through paddles. Among them was the couple that had drawn Kat’s attention earlier. The Domme led her sub into the room by a leash. He knelt on the floor in front of her, his back to the room, as she stood to watch the demonstration.
The demonstration didn’t worry me. The girls were going easy on each other, and it was more playful than anything. Even when they moved up to floggers, the submissive’s ass was barely pink. It was more to show off the toys than actual play. The Domme beside me, however, worried me a little. Her submissive was a good-sized guy and I was willing to bet that she could be wicked with a whip. I wasn’t sure that Kat was ready to see that.
Kat turned her face up to me again, and I leaned down to listen.
“Do you have those?” she asked.
I looked up. I had been lost in my own thoughts and not paying attention. The girl had a long black leather flogger in her hand. She raised her arm and expertly brought it down across her partner’s thighs. The girl shifted slightly on the bench. She felt that one.
“A flogger?” I asked.
Kat nodded.
“Yes,” I answered. “I have a couple of them. Why? You like the look of that?”
Kat blushed and shrugged. I normally wouldn’t let her get away with that, but it was pretty clear to me that she was still uncomfortable in a crowd. I reminded myself that this was still new to her and let it go
. I also made a mental note to introduce her to my floggers.
The salesgirl produced a four foot single-tail next, and I took that as our cue to leave. I drew the line on punishment right around there. I usually worked with girls who were inexperienced and single-tails were too hardcore.
There was a fine line between allowing a submissive to witness and experience the full range of what this lifestyle has to offer and putting things into her head that were not helpful. She was only eighteen—legal, yes—but still impressionable.
“Come on,” I said, gently unwrapping her from my leg and leading her by the hand.