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Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series) Page 11

“Where are we going?” she asked.

  I shot her a disapproving glare, but didn’t answer. I gave the girls a smile as we left, trying to communicate that they hadn’t done anything wrong to cause our leaving. They didn’t seem to be offended.

  We ran into Susan in the kitchen as I led Kat away. “Cody, Kat, so good to see you. Can I get you something to drink?”

  “I’m fine, thanks. Katlyn?”

  “I’m okay too. Thank you though. And thanks for inviting us.”

  “Of course,” she answered. “What do you think so far?”

  I let Kat answer on her own and the two of them made polite small talk for a while. When Susan turned her attention to another guest, Kat turned back to me.

  “Why did you make me leave?” she asked.

  “There are some things that I don’t think you’re ready for, Kat. This is a pretty tame party, but not all couples are as gentle as Susan and Gage or you and me. As your Dom it is my right to shield you from anything that I don’t want you to see. If you want to try a little flogging, or a harder form of spanking, I’ll be happy to introduce you to that, but you’re not ready for the stuff that they were moving on to.”

  “You don’t think that I should get a say in this?”

  I smirked. “No. I don’t.” She huffed a little and turned around, but then she realized she had nowhere to go. “Come on, let’s see what the other two are doing in the living room.”


  The party was fascinating. I was a little ticked off that Cody was apparently trying to shelter me from everything, but I knew him well enough to trust that he probably had good reasons. Still, I was curious.

  I thought back to the checklist that he had given me at the very beginning of our relationship, and I was pretty sure that the very thing he had just sheltered me from was on the list. It was listed as “Whips (Single-Tail)” and I had checked it “Willing to Try” as I had just about everything on the list. I had seen a picture of one on the Internet. It didn’t look that bad. Of course, I’d never actually seen one in action. Maybe it was worse than I thought. Maybe a lot of the checklist was worse than I thought. He’d been so surprised at how adventurous I was—maybe I didn’t get it.

  “You look lost in thought,” he said, breaking me out of my musing.

  “I’m just thinking about your checklist. I’m wondering what else on that list you think I’m not ready to see.”

  “Don’t you dare take that defensive tone with me,” he said quietly but sternly. “I make the decisions about what is best for you when we are together.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir,” I whispered. I was sorry, but I was also confused. “But, why bring me here to expose me to the rest of the lifestyle and then not let me see any of it?”

  “I am letting you see it, Kat.” Cody stopped speaking as a couple walked past us. We were awkwardly filling the space between the kitchen and living room. It wasn’t the best place for a conversation.

  Cody led me in the opposite direction of where we had been heading, back through the kitchen, and out to the small wooden deck that overlooked the wooded backyard. It was thankfully vacant.

  “Sit with me,” Cody commanded. I sat beside him on the picnic table.

  “I did not bring you here to frustrate you, Katlyn. Some of these couples have been together for years, possibly decades. They did not learn these things in one day. To learn the full extent of the things done in the S&M world could take years, and they are always coming up with new ones: new toys, new whips, new restraint systems, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. I have no doubt that you’ll witness or experience most of it at some point in your life, but for tonight, I am making an executive decision on your behalf because I know what it looks like and you don’t.”

  “But you let me look it up on the Internet. You gave me a checklist that outlined about a million things that I didn’t know existed,” I protested.

  “Yes, and I want you to know that they exist, but I also want you to trust me when I tell you that you are not ready for them.”

  I closed my eyes and dropped my head back against his shoulder. He put his arm around me and pulled me closer.

  “I’ll be honest with you. If it was just the two girls giving the demonstration I might have let you stay. She wasn’t hitting very hard, and she seemed to have fairly expert knowledge of what she was doing. However, I can count the Doms that I know or have ever known that I would trust with a single-tail on two fingers.”

  My eyes widened slightly. I was very surprised at that. “Why’s that?”

  “Because they aren’t really toys, Katlyn. Even in the hands of an expert they are very dangerous. Some people use Tasers or even waterboarding for play too, but I’m not going to recommend that you be electrocuted or drowned just so you know what it feels like.”

  “It’s not the same thing,” I argued.

  “It is the same thing, Katlyn. I’m not saying ‘No.’ I’m saying ‘Not right now.’ When you have experienced floggers, and understand better where your personal pain threshold lies, we’ll talk about some of the harder stuff. What we are doing is hard enough for now.”

  “Wait,” I said, thinking back through the conversation so far. “You said that you would have let me stay if it was just the demonstration. So what was it that made you leave?”

  “The female Domme and the male sub that you noticed earlier. Did you see them come in?”

  I thought back. I had been watching the two women and paying attention to the different spankings. It was really quite fascinating. I hadn’t noticed who else was there.

  “No, Sir.” I admitted.

  “Tell me what you noticed about him.”

  “The male sub?” I asked. He nodded. “Uh, I just thought it was odd that he was twice her size and yet he submitted to her. And her shoes were crazy. How does she walk in those things?”

  Cody chuckled beside me. “What?” I asked, rather defiantly.

  “First of all, I have been more than lenient with you tonight. You keep up this disrespectful tone, and I’ll see to it that you don’t sit comfortably for a week. Have I made myself clear?”

  The warning in his voice left no room to be ignored. It wasn’t deliberate. I just didn’t understand.

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I will try to be more respectful.”

  “Good. Secondly, when we go back inside, I want you to look at him. Really look.”

  “What am I to look for, Sir?”

  “He has scars, Katlyn. More than most people, and many of them are recent. Look at his thighs. I don’t know for sure if the cuts that are there will scar or not, but I do know that they were deliberate. He is a masochist in the most aggressive sense of the word, Katlyn, a pain slut. He is probably incapable of having an orgasm without a severe amount of physical pain. I took you from the room because I was concerned about the types of questions that his Domme might ask, or more dramatically, because I thought it was likely that she was going to ask to try one of those whips out on her own submissive.”

  I thought about that for a minute. I hadn’t noticed any cuts on his thighs, but he had been lying on his back when I had seen him. They were probably on his backside. His Domme, who he obviously trusted, had intentionally made him bleed, possibly scarring him. I had to admit, the thought of watching someone be whipped bloody made me feel nauseated. I was glad that I hadn’t seen that.

  “How did you know all of that?” I asked.

  “Good Doms learn to be aware of their surroundings. Always. I can’t protect you if I don’t see what’s coming.”

  “Do you know them?”

  “No. I don’t know that couple, but I know the type. If you want to meet them, I will find someone to introduce us. I don’t want you to think that what they are doing is wrong or bad, but it is kind of the extreme edge of what is safe or acceptable. If you have questions for them, I would like for you to ask them. I just don’t think that you’re ready to witness that kind of play, yet. Does that make sense?”
br />   “Yes, Sir. Thank you for explaining it to me.”

  “Ready to go back inside?”

  I stepped down from the table and nodded. Cody took my hand and led me through to the living room. The other couple, the exhibitionists, now had full command of the living room.

  The female submissive was standing in the middle of the room. Her hands were tied high above her head with some kind of a restraint system. She was facing away from us so that I was clearly able to see the pink flush on her ass and thighs. She had been recently spanked.

  Cody led me around to a couple of chairs where I took my comfortable position on the floor between his legs.

  From the front, it was easy to see that the woman was also gagged. She was naked, save for the gag and a pair of high heels.

  The man, who had stripped down to only a pair of leather pants, constructed a short metal bar of sorts and dragged it over in front of the woman. It took an effort on the man’s part to move it, so it was probably quite heavy. It reminded me a little of the free-standing ballet bars that I had used as a kid, only made of metal instead of wood.

  The bar was level with the bend at her hips, so that when she was leaned forward, her hips made a shelf of sorts. He made some adjustments to the rope that held her arms and eventually cuffed her ankles to the stands that held up the bar. When it was all finished, the top of her body made a nearly perfect diagonal line. Her arms were bound at the wrists and fully extended by her ears. Her legs were spread wide apart, and her hips rested against the metal bar. It did not appear to be comfortable. I imagined it to be a very vulnerable position, especially with so many people watching.

  The man walked around behind the woman and touched her. I couldn’t see his hands from my place on the floor, but from the sounds she was issuing behind the gag I was pretty sure that he was fingering her.

  Cody tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention and then pulled me up into his lap. “I want to narrate for you,” he whispered, “because some of it might be a little hard to understand if he doesn’t explain while he does it. Most of the crowd here has at least a couple years of experience so he’s not really catering to your level.”

  I nodded. I was trying hard not to be offended. I knew that I was still new to this, but I wasn’t stupid, and I didn’t much like the idea that he was continually trying to dumb it down for me.

  “The position that she is in,” Cody continued, “is going to put a lot of stress on her shoulders and lower back. If they do this a lot, he probably has her doing sit-ups and push-ups as a part of her daily routine.”

  The man unzipped his leather pants and whispered something to the woman before sinking his cock into her. She let out a moan behind the gag, and I felt Cody grow hard under my ass.

  “Notice the position of his hands.”

  I looked. The man had one hand spread wide across the lower part of her stomach and the other pulling back slightly on her shoulder.

  “He’s taking the weight off for her,” I concluded.

  “Very good. What else is he doing?”

  I tried to break it down clinically, but the man was thrusting harder into her and she was struggling. The end effect was that her tits were bouncing all over the place, and I couldn’t concentrate. How was I supposed to think while watching two people have sex?

  Cody chuckled in my ear. “Arousing isn’t it?”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  Cody moved his hands around to my waist and pushed my tank top up over my jeans so that he could brush the skin at my sides. I bit down on my bottom lip and tried not to squirm. Compared to the display in front of me, his touching me was conservative, and no one was looking at us anyway. I relaxed against his chest and let him lead me.

  “Good girl.” Cody’s voice was deep and secure in my ear. “Let me touch you, baby.”

  His hands moved gently over my sides and stomach. He nuzzled the back of my neck sending shivers down my spine. Leaving one hand wrapped around my waist, he moved the other to my thigh.

  “Keep watching, Katlyn,” he commanded. “In this position he’s done two more fairly significant things. Look at two of the most sensitive areas – her clitoris and her breasts. Obviously her breasts are unsupported so she’s going to feel the stimulation caused by the movement. Nipple clamps would have made it even more effective. Her clitoris has the opposite; there is virtually no stimulation there. Unless she’s very sensitive, she probably can’t get off like this unless he chooses to give her added stimulation.”

  “Well, not to be disrespectful, Sir, but why put her this way if he knows that she can’t orgasm like this?”

  “Could be any number of reasons. He may be punishing her. It might be his personal preference to limit her orgasms. She might prefer to have them limited. She may tire easily—”

  The hand on my waist moved up, brushing the underside of my breast through my bra. I let out a shaky breath and tilted my neck back to give him better access. Fuck he felt so good. I had a hard time concentrating on both things at once.

  “Don’t take your eyes off of them. Watch.”

  The man moved his hands over the woman’s body as he fucked her, and she leaned into his touch—well, as much as she was able to with her limited range of motion—just as I lean into Cody. The man altered his pace, periodically slowing down for a few strokes and then beginning again.

  I froze, stunned in Cody’s lap. The man slowed the rocking of his hips and crooked his finger at me over the naked woman’s shoulder in a “come here” gesture. I didn’t know what to do.

  Cody tightened his grip on my thigh and spoke softly in my ear. “He just wants to give you a closer look, baby. It’s up to you. I’ll say ‘No,’ if you want to stay here.”

  I swallowed hard. “What do you want?” I asked.

  “Mmm,” Cody laughed in my ear. “I want to watch you lick and suck at her tits while I fuck you from behind. But that’s just me.”

  I fought the urge to roll my eyes. How could he joke at a time like this?

  “You’re overthinking it, Katlyn. They are just people. You don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.”

  I took a deep breath and steeled my nerves. I’d spent the whole night thinking to myself that he was babying me, and now when he was giving me the choice to take a step forward, I was totally chickening out. Well fuck that.

  “I want to do it.”

  “All you gotta do is stand up, sweetheart.”

  I stood up slowly. “You’ll come with me. Right?” I looked at Cody over my shoulder.

  “I’m right here.”

  I tentatively took a couple of steps closer to the couple. The man smiled at me but never ceased the rocking of his hips. Granted they weren’t going particularly hard or fast, but they had been at it for a while now. I wondered how much more stamina they could possibly have.

  As I got closer it was easy to see the strain on the woman’s face. I knew that expression well. Cody was constantly making me watch myself in the mirror, and I looked just like this right before I started begging to cum.

  Cody put his hands firmly on my hips. “You okay?”

  I nodded my head yes.

  “I’m Cody, this is Katlyn,” Cody said to the couple, as if he was oblivious to the fact that they were fucking less than three feet in front of us.

  “My wife,” the man spoke for the first time, he was slightly out of breath, “would love it if you touched her.” He’d spoken the words directly to me, but he looked up at the end as if suggesting that I should check with my Dominant first.

  I was really unsure. It wasn’t so much that I was afraid, but I’d never really touched another female before. The whole concept wasn’t really attractive to me, but I was curious in a way. I looked to Cody for reassurance or confirmation, but it was pretty clear that I was going to have to make this decision for myself.

  “I um…” I muttered rather incoherently. “I’m not sure that I know what to do.”

  The two Doms looked at
each other with these half smiles that told me they were somehow communicating behind my back. Cody tightened his grip on my hips and pushed me a step closer. He took over, telling me what to do, and from that point it became much easier.

  Still standing behind me, Cody took my right hand in his and lifted it up. He started at the woman’s cheek. He cupped his hand around mine. My palm pressed gently against her skin and against the strap of the gag. The woman shifted her eyes to me, silently pleading.

  Cody lowered his hand slowly down my arm. “Touch her, Katlyn. Just do what feels natural to you.” His voice was soft, but it held the commanding presence that I’d come to know so well. It was all I needed to obey.

  I ran the tips of my fingers over her neck and along her collarbone. I lifted my other hand to balance out the equation a little better and the woman made a noise from behind her gag that I thought was supposed to be encouraging.