Innocence Tempted (Generational Sins Series) Page 8
I made my way over to Cody’s house with my head still full of questions, but my spirit oddly lighter. I was getting better at accepting his leadership. I didn’t feel the need to question his every action quite so frequently. He hadn’t been wrong about me yet.
"Yeah?" He looked up from the stove where he was browning chicken for dinner.
"What do you do when you are nervous about something?"
"Me personally? I'm the 'face it head first' type, but if it's something that I can't face for whatever reason, I usually wear myself out on the side of a mountain. Every problem looks smaller from the top of a cliff. Why do you ask?"
"I'm just having some anxiety about leaving for school in the fall, and I know it's silly but I can't seem to help it. I thought you might know some good anti-anxiety yoga poses or something."
He laughed, and his smile alone made me feel better. "Well, I don't know about yoga poses, but you could try rock climbing, might be a good distraction."
"No thank you. I get sent to the ER enough as it is."
He rolled his eyes. "I'm serious, Kat. I think you might like it. There are a couple of us taking a quick overnight trip this Friday. It's just camping Friday night. We're going to climb on Saturday. The afternoon stuff will be too hard for you, but you could do the morning climb with us. You should come."
"What would I tell my dad?"
"I don't know. Say you're staying the night at a friend's house."
"Who all is going?" I asked. I wasn't sure that I was comfortable camping overnight with a bunch of strangers. I knew that Cody wouldn't let anything bad happen to me, but still.
"You remember Susan and Gage from the bonfire?" I did remember. I hadn't gotten to know them very well but they seemed like decent people. "They're going. I don't think I told you, but Gage is also a Dom. Susan is his submissive."
"Really? I thought they were dating?"
"They're engaged to be married actually. They have an exclusive full-time D/s relationship. They are usually only vanilla in public or around people who don't know. Andy is the only other person that I think you know. His wife Charlotte is going to be away so she's not coming. There are a handful of others. It's a good group. You'll fit in just fine."
I had to admit that it did sound like fun. I wasn't too sure about the climbing, but the party would be a good way to relax, and spending a night in a tent with Cody didn't sound too terrible either.
"What time are you leaving?"
"If your dad won't be home, I could pick you up around six Friday night. I'll bring you back late on Saturday, like ten or eleven."
"Let me check my dad’s schedule, and I'll let you know okay?"
He nodded and then lifted the chicken from the stove, setting it on the table in front of me. We ate in silence for a few minutes, and I thought about the trip. Was I brave enough to go? I was never fond of lying to my father, but I was sure that he wouldn't let me go if he knew who I was really going with.
"What's going on in that pretty little head?" Cody asked. I looked up from my salad. How long had he been watching me?
"I was just thinking. I really would like to go with you this weekend."
"Great. Sleeping bag sex is always amusing."
I laughed. Only Cody.
After dinner we went into the living room, and he pulled me into his arms on the couch. "What do you want to do tonight, sweetheart?" he asked.
"Aren't you supposed to tell me what we're doing?" I asked.
He chuckled. "Sometimes I don't care. What are you in the mood for?"
I sometimes forgot that he was a person just like any other. I guess he was entitled to an indecisive day once in a while. I shrugged. I was terrible at coming up with things to do.
"Okay I have an idea," he finally said, pushing me from his lap and leading me by the hand down the hall. "Let's fit you with a climbing harness for Saturday."
"What?" I asked. That didn't sound like very much fun.
He shot me a sharp look making it clear that I had forgotten my place. I mumbled an apology and then started to take my clothes off. Apparently I didn't understand how fitting a rock climbing harness worked.
"Kneel," he commanded when I was standing before him naked. I dropped to my pose. I was getting better at this. It wasn't as uncomfortable to be naked in front of him now. I couldn't really see what he was doing, but I heard him rummaging around in the closet. A moment later he dropped a mess of nylon straps and rope on the floor in front of me.
"Look at me, Katlyn." I looked up. He had more nylon strapping in his hands. "This is a climbing harness. I'm going to put it on you, and then suspend you from the rafters." I looked up. He had strung a rope through the open wooden trusses in the room. Seriously?
The idea both terrified and excited me. I really liked the idea of restraint and suspension. I had seen pictures of it on the Internet. Suspended and bound women always looked really beautiful to me. However, I was not the average woman. I was sure this would probably kill me. I could just see trying to explain this accident to my dad at the hospital. Still, Cody had tied me up before, and it had been pretty great so far. I took a deep breath and focused on my breathing.
"Lie on your back with your legs up." I did as he told me, and he knelt down between my legs. He slid the loops over my feet and up around my knees. His hands brushed my skin as he worked, and it set my body on fire. I loved this part. The anticipation was half the fun.
He lifted my hips and slipped one loop of the harness around my waist and two more around the junction of my leg and pussy. It was strange and not particularly comfortable.
He pulled me into a sitting position. "Arms up," he said. I put my hands above my head. He worked the top part of the harness around me so that it fit like suspenders in the back and then joined in a single line between my breasts.
He lowered his mouth to my breast gently sucking. I shuddered. Was I ready to be hung from the ceiling? As his mouth moved over my flesh, I found that I didn't care. I was sure that was his intent.
He touched me intimately as he tightened and adjusted the straps. When he had me writhing with need, he lifted himself from me and told me to lie flat on my back. I did so awkwardly. He connected ropes, which were knotted with a carabiner at the end, to the metal rings on the harness between my breasts and at my belly button.
"I'm going to lift you now. Tell me if anything pinches or hurts."
"Yes, Sir," I answered. I took a deep breath and tried to relax. He pulled me from the floor an inch at a time. It felt at first like a tugging at my sternum, then more pressure, then as my weight was redistributed I felt the full shape of the harness. The lower loops took the weight off my legs which were now raised about sixteen inches, my feet still touching the floor.
"Give me a scale of one to ten on your level of comfort. One being you want me to put you down, ten being you could hang there all day."
I turned my head to watch him working the ropes to lift me.
"About an eight?"
He considered that for a moment and then lifted me a little higher, maybe three feet total. I was floating with my stomach toward the ceiling, my torso parallel to the floor, and my legs bent at the knee. My toes just barely brushed the floor. He tied the rope off and checked to make sure that it was properly secured.
He crossed the room to me slowly and stood at my head looking down at me. "Okay?" I nodded that I was fine. "You look very beautiful like this, Katlyn. Do you like it?"
"I don't know yet," I answered honestly. It was a little uncomfortable but had the potential to be worth it.
"I string you up, and you suddenly forget how to address me."
Oh shit. "I'm sorry, Sir. It is a bit disorienting."
"Mmm. I think that perhaps you didn't get the message from your first punishment."
Punishment? He was going to punish me like this?
"That will have to wait however," he continued.
"Because I want you to suck my cock."
Upside down? He couldn't be serious. But he was serious. He lowered his fly and stroked his cock for a moment, looking at me hanging there helpless. I licked my lips instinctively. I could do this. Right?
He stepped forward and cupped the back of my head in his hand. "Open up."
I did as he asked and took his cock into my mouth. It was definitely different. I struggled to breath, swallow, and suck all at the same time. It was difficult, but I was never one to back down from a challenge. I would please him if it was the last thing I did.
He moved his hips slowly, more gently than he would have done if I was on my knees. "Nice, Katlyn." His hand tightened in my hair. "I like having you completely at my mercy."
He wasn't the only one. The vulnerability of it was intense. Up to this point, if I had really struggled, I might have been able to get free; but when suspended, wiggling only made me swing.
He didn't fuck my mouth for long, preferring to walk around to the other side and take me properly. He didn't hesitate, simply grabbing the straps of my harness and plunging into me. I laid my head back into vacant space and tried to relax. It was difficult. I was acutely aware of his body. He wasn't touching me at any point, except the place where we were joined, and it pulled my focus to that one place. His cock was long and thick inside me, and I felt every inch as he moved in and out seeking his own pleasure.
His fingers eventually found my exposed clit. He played with me, letting me feel the familiar sensation accompanied by the new experience. He shifted my position periodically, putting my legs over his shoulders, holding my wrists.
"Katlyn," he growled, pulling me out of my musings. "You will not cum without my permission. Remember your lesson."
I was so focused on the weightless sensation and the distinct repetitive rhythm of his thrusts that I had forgotten my previous lessons on orgasm control. It came over me without warning, a far cry from the building slow burn that I normally experienced. I fought at the last minute to resist, but by the time I realized, it was useless. I bit down on my lip to keep from crying out. He growled at me anyway, and I had no doubt that he'd felt it.
Twice in one night I'd made a mistake. My ass was going to be so sore after our next session.
I remained silent as he finished with me and then lowered me to the ground. I was ashamed. I knew that I had failed, and he would be disappointed.
He unhooked the straps of my harness efficiently as he spoke. "Twice in one night you disobey me, Katlyn. Were you simply distracted by the suspension? Or were you asking to be punished?"
I kept my eyes firmly on the floor. "I was distracted, Sir. I will do better next time."
"Mmm. We will address your punishment this weekend. Come to me."
I stepped into his arms, and he hugged me tightly. I let out a deep breath and accepted the comfort of his embrace.
"You okay?" he asked.
"Yeah. I feel better now that the blood has rushed away from my head."
"It can make you a bit lightheaded," he agreed. "Do you feel faint?"
"No. I'll be fine," I confirmed.
"Good girl." He took a step back from me. "Are you okay to go home?"
"Yes, Sir." I found my clothes and began to dress myself.
"Good. Let me know about this weekend."
"I will."
I got back in my truck, full of mixed emotions. There were so many new things to experience and process. I was disappointed in my lack of attention tonight. Despite my orgasm, I felt sexually frustrated. I was disoriented and unsure about so many things. But mostly, I wondered what the weekend would bring.
I could not wait. I was on my way to pick up Kat for our camping trip. I had quite the weekend planned. The timing had worked out well, and her father was not home when I arrived. She was all packed and ready to go, so I tossed her bag in the back of the truck next to mine and slid behind the wheel.
It was nice to have some time to just talk to her as we drove up to camp. I wasn’t much for small talk, but Kat was a very bright young woman, and I was really enjoying her company. She knew a surprising amount about a lot of things. Coming from a small town, you wouldn’t expect her to be as broad as she was.
Night was falling by the time we arrived at the campsite, and almost everyone else was already there. I picked a spot a ways from the group, next to the tree line, and parked my truck. I was planning to require a little privacy later on. Kat tried to help me pitch the tent, but truthfully I didn’t need help, and she wasn’t very helpful. It was really pretty funny. She might have a wide range of knowledge, but she was still an amateur camper, and she was clumsy.
When we had finished setting up and unpacking, we joined the crew around the fire. They were just getting it going, so it wasn’t really hot enough for dinner yet. I lugged the cooler of beer and food that I had brought over to the fireside and sat on it with Kat on my lap.
I deliberately touched her as much as I could without making her too uncomfortable. I wanted her as hot and bothered as I could get her because she was going to need the extra arousal for what I had planned. I owed her a punishment from our last session, and I knew full well that she was not going to like this punishment. I thought that there was a very good chance that she was going to safeword over this.
We wrapped potatoes and slabs of butter in foil and then tossed them in the fire when it was hot enough. The guys had brought steaks and a rack for the open fire to cook them on. This was my kind of cooking.
We ate and told stories and laughed for a couple of hours. I kept Kat at my side or between my legs the whole night, biting her neck now and then, touching the bare skin at her thighs. My friends were used to seeing this kind of behavior from me, but I could tell that Kat was not always comfortable with it. I hadn’t expected her to be.
I had told Gage ahead of time what I was planning, and he and Susan had agreed to be a part of it. I waited until most of the others had trailed off to their tents. I wanted an audience, but not a huge one. The really serious climbers went to bed early anyway. We were here for fun and games, but some of the guys were attempting a pretty hard climb in the morning and would need a good night’s sleep.
As the crowd thinned out Kat looked to me as if asking if we were heading to bed too. I could tell from her body language that she was ready for a good fucking. Perfect.
“We can’t go to bed yet,” I told her quietly.
“Why not?”
“Because I still have to punish you.”
I let her absorb that for a moment. I knew she got it when she tensed up in my arms.
I looked around the fire. There were six of us present: Kat and I, Gage and Susan (the other D/s pair), Andy, and Allen. I knew them all well, and I knew that neither Andy nor Allen would have any objection to a little evening entertainment. This was a good group for what I had planned.
I pulled Kat closer to me and spoke softly to her. “I want you to get down on your knees and suck my cock in front of them.”
She swallowed hard. I could practically hear her heart racing. I knew that she was weighing her options. She didn’t like telling me no, but she was still extremely self-conscious.
“This is your punishment for your failure to address me properly and for cumming without my permission. You belong to me, Katlyn, and you will submit to me.”
“I’m scared,” she whispered.
“I know, but it won’t be as bad as you think. Remember Gage is a Dom and Susan has been in your position before. I’ve watched her submit to Gage on many occasions. Andy is faithfully married and Allen is single—and I’m sure he’d love to fuck you—but he won’t touch you without my permission. None of them will mind, I can assure you. I want you to perform for them. Give them a good show, sweetheart.”
“Please don’t make me do this.”
“You can always safeword out if you want to, but I’m going to encourage you not to. You’re only afraid of what
you don’t know. You think that it’s going to be worse than it is. You can’t establish a limit for yourself if you’ve never made an attempt. Don’t let your fear control you, baby.”
“You’re sure that they aren’t going to freak out? This is not normal behavior.”
I struggled to keep from laughing. “For me it’s not that unusual. Susan and Gage already know, and I guarantee the others will follow suit. Nobody here is going to judge you.”
“You told them?” she squeaked. This was getting out of hand. If she didn’t do it soon she would work herself into a panic attack. If this was going to happen, I had to make it happen now.
“Yes, Kat. I wanted them to stick around. They understand, truly. Now are you going to comply or do you want to safeword?”
Nervous didn’t even begin to describe what I was feeling. I was terrified. I almost took the easy way out. In the end I’m not sure why I didn’t. I knew that he was right—I would be limiting myself by never trying it—but of all the things for him to ask me to do…
I took a couple of deep breaths and tried to center myself the way he had been teaching me. “I’m ready to take my punishment now, Sir.”
“Good girl. Stand up.”
I stood up from the cooler that we had been using as a bench, and he stood up behind me. He put his hands on my hips and took me a couple of steps closer to the fire where we would be in the light. I blushed so hard that I felt fevered.